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International Technical Information Because
we hosts so many sites from around the country, we know how important it is that
our Internet
connections be reliable and fast. We have invested, and continue
to invest, in the technology and services
necessary to provide our clients
with the best Internet service available. We constantly monitor and review
performance to keep it at an optimum level.
We employs fully redundant, multi-processor Dell PowerEdge
servers located in Tulsa, OK and Indianapolis,
IN. Hosted sites are served
via Microsoft's IIS5 on a security-hardened Windows 2000 operating system.
servers are backed up daily. We currently are running at only 35% of our computer
processing capacity,
and traffic to the Internet is only at 50% capacity even
during peak hours.
Our servers are connected to a 100 megabit switched backbone.
From there, traffic is handled by core
Cisco 7200 series routers, and then
passed on to the Internet backbone.
We currently have two T3 connections,
one to SprintLink in Dallas and one to Williams Company in Tulsa.
All transit
links are fully redundant via BGP on our core routers to ensure redundancy and
recovery from any sort of link failure.
Our traffic is monitored 24x7, and hardware and software
upgrades are made proactively. We contract with
TulsaConnect's Network Operations
Center for 24-hour support. TulsaConnect www.tulsaconnect.com
one of the Midwest's premier locally owned ISP's and has provides us with
excellent service and
support for over 5 years.
feel free to visit our local community service websites, TulsaWeb.com
and TulsaUSA.com.
In addition to Chamber of Commerce (Official
Global Locator), we host a multitude of websites
for Chambers and Associations
using interactive internet software
by WebLink
International, the nation's market leader.